The picture sent to Emil
and Dina, the couple I met at the Hanukkah party, revealed many things.
Firstly, I must say, it shows a person I thought I would never see so clear:
Sioma Tolpolar. Sioma was Fima's brother and he was killed in Cepeleutz by
Cuzists in 1941 together with his wife Iza. When we went to Moldova in 2008, we
went to the very site where the murder happened.
During my research, I could
only find only one picture of Sioma available, in the Yedinitz Yizkor book. And
it was not a very good one. Nobody else connected to Sioma seemed to have any
other pictures of him. Until we see this photo. Sioma is in his very young
years, his face is clear and bright. I was amazed to see it. His past is more
alive to me now.
Secondly, on the opposite
side of Sioma, stands another surprising revelation. The woman on the far left
is nothing but Hanna Davidovich, married to Josef Nisenblat, brother of my
grandmother (Rachel Nisenblat, from Orhei)! The world is getting smaller, but
in those days, for the Jewish community in Bessarabian villages, it was also
very small. So Hanna Davidovich knew Sioma Tolpolar, both related to me and to
Emil. Hannah is probably Emil grandmother's sister, as all Davidovich sisters
are in the picture.
Ultimately, the Romanian
writings behind the letter bewildered me. I asked my dear friend Rachel Fain to
translate it:
picture was taken with the occasion of the visit of our cousin (male) to Orhei
with the occasion that my cousin (female) left for ---------- “baise”. Frieda,
Mara, Anushca Sioma “

The male cousin is Sioma. Now who would be the female cousin? Anushca - or
better, Hannah? And what is "Baise"? The name of a place or
somebody's? Rachel could not tell. And next to it, something is erased. Could
it be that they erased the word because they were afraid of something? Could
this word be "Brazil" and the Davidovich and Tolpolar cousins got
together in Orhei one last time before Hannah's departure...? We know for sure
that she ended up in Brazil.
"Baise" is still a mystery, and my mind creates unconfirmed
suppositions and relationships. This picture proves that Emil and I are most
likely related through Hannah Davidovich - she is the main link.
Hannah passed away in Israel in 1994. She had three children: Ari, Cecilia and
Sioma never managed to escape the Holocaust.
This picture could be their last one together. And I'm sure they never imagined
someday we would be talking about them.