Thursday, January 8, 2015


This is a continuation of my previous post on genealogy trip tips.

Part II: During and after the trip.

Tip#1: Write everything down: once you set foot in the foreign land you’re visiting, there will be a multiple array of stimuli entering your eyes and ears. With so many things happening at the same time, it’ll be very easy to forget it or confuse it with something else later on. Even if the information sounds obvious, write it down. If you can, maintain a travel diary with all the contacts you make during the trip.

Tip#2: Be flexible: Follow your schedule, but be flexible to unforeseen circumstances, and try to take advantage of them.

Tip #3: Document it: take many pictures and/or video.

Tip#4: Enjoy it: Try to have at least one day without any plans. This day can be used for a day’s work if something goes wrong and you need it - or better than that, it can be used for sightseeing and enjoying yourself. In Moldova, I had booked one entire day to visit the wineries.

Tip#1: Keep in touch: Don’t disappear. Make sure to write back to all your contacts and let them know how much you appreciated their company and their country. Keep them posted.

Tip#2: Share your experience: write a blog, tell your friends, post on Facebook. People will love to know what you've done and your discoveries, especially the genealogy buffs. Don’t let your trip go unnoticed!

And good luck!!!

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