This was a much more relaxing day. We left at 10AM, which gave us plenty of time to rest and get prepared to go to the Sorocca fortress, one of Moldova’s main’s sight. That would be our first “tourism only” day, and we were definitely happy about it. Going after your roots is fantastic, but it takes a lot from you, and we needed a day like this.
BUT… Before getting on the road, we came back to the Jewish Community Center in Chisinau. People there had found one of the few images of Volodya Tolpolar, who had just died a few years ago and could be a relative. It was a video image, and a very quick one, so we had to pause it to see his face better. But they couldn’t find the remote and therefore we couldn’t pause it. So Kerley had to take the picture on the go, with the VCR playing. She did a good job and now we have a digital picture of this Tolpolar we never knew existed.
This time there was no time to talk at all as we needed to get going to Sorocca, in the very north of Moldova. But I promised to search for Volodya’s family, possibly living in Ukraine.
The fortress is a niece piece of History, but nothing very impressive. Cool thing was to see Ukraine right on the other side of the river.
For lunch we went to this restaurant across the fortress park. Kerley was happy to eat varenikes. I think I got some chicken.
It was our last day with Natasha and Sergei. We came back fairly early, compared to the other days, if I remember. We said our goodbyes and Sergei drove us to the hotel. He said he had a lot of fun, and we got his e-mail address. I promised to send some pictures.
I don’t remember what we did at night. As time passes by, I forget things.
(Apart from this trip, I wanted to share my excitement with a recent discovery. The sister-in-law of Sioma Tolpolar - my cousin who was killed in Cepleutz, is still alive, 91 years-old and living in New York. I am going there next week to meet her.)
(Apart from this trip, I wanted to share my excitement with a recent discovery. The sister-in-law of Sioma Tolpolar - my cousin who was killed in Cepleutz, is still alive, 91 years-old and living in New York. I am going there next week to meet her.)
Next: going to the famous winery Milestti Mici.
Hi, Cassio,
My name is Aaron, I live in New York. My mother went to college with Volodya Tolpolar's brother Misha, who now lives in Kiev, Ukraine.
I was very well acquainted with Volodya. Write to me if you are interested in contacting Misha.
My Skype name is stein-chik and my email is
My name is Andres, I live in Mexico, and my parents come from Sorocca, I would appreciate if somebody knew anything about the GLUZGOLD-DARSIN history.
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